
Can an abcess be left to drain by itself or should a doctor be brought in to drain it?

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I am pretty sure that I have an abscess in my arm pit. It started letting pus out earlier today, and I wiped it off (after giving it a little squeeze, which I now know is not good). I researched it online, and it says a doctor drains them for you, but I wanted to know if it really Is necessary for a doctor to drain it or if it could be left to drain out by itself.

I am the type of person who thinks if it is questionable then it does not hurt to go get it checked out. But, in this case, I am borderline. I have heard people say that when it starts letting pus out, it will most likely get better (as in the case of a pimple), while others say that it letting pus out is bad and should be seen by a doctor because infection could be spread. So, really, which is it?

If it does not get better, then I will obviously get it checked out. Thanks for any help




  1. An abscess is a form of infection in most cases (the reason I say "most cases" is because I just dealt with one called a sterile abscess that occurred as a result of the tissues being angry as I had surgery on my foot and ankle 7 weeks ago).  When pus comes it is an indication that there is an infection going on.

    I would recommend seeing the doctor to let them drain it for you.

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