
Can an abortion cause infertility later down the line?

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Can an abortion cause infertility 3 yrs later if everything about the abortion was done correctly during and after the abortion?




  1. Hi

    Sorry that you had to go through with this just as I did in my younger days. Sometimes there are "reasons" medical, emotional, or societal. Infertility has various causes. I have been diagnosed as unexplained infertility and possibly due to stress that I cannot have a baby. However, my reproductive specialist said that scarring from an abortion may cause the sperm to gather around the scars instead of leading to the fallopian tubes and the ovaries. So in my situation, it may contribute to it. Do not have guilt feelings over something that was done for a "reason". I never forgave myself for doing this but it had to be done. At least you know that you can get pregnant.  

  2. they used to tell people that back in the 80s when everyone was pro-life.

    but i don't think it has ever been proven to be true.

  3. no it cannot. it is physically impossible........

  4. Yes it can. There's no reason why it couldn't.

    If the doctor who performed the operation made a mistake, they arent going to announce it. They'll keep it a secret cause they'd be too scared they'd lose their job :\

    It can happen. If the device they used ruptured your reproductive organs, they can pretty much be useless and have permanent damage.

    Now THIS is why you shouldn't have had that abortion. You're probably feeling pretty bad by now. Karmas a b*tch.

  5. When u go for an abortion, they basically knock u out, put u on a table and dig out ur inside....sounds harsh but its the truth. I worked at a hospital so i would know. During that "digging out" process a lot of things can happen and you can definitely become infertile or even be incapable of having children again.

    Ppl are so taken up in killing a child that they dont see the risk they are putting themselves in.

  6. Oh yes it can,  I know two women who have had abortions, 1 is now pregnant with her 7th invetro, this is the only one that took.  The other will never have children.

  7. something could have gone wrong that you dont know about that could cause it

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