
Can an active duty father in the army, be given custody of his daughter?

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Can an active duty father in the army, be given custody of his daughter?




  1. As long as he is able to care for her, then yes he can.  

  2. Yes. It happens all the time. They just have to be able to have someone to watch their kids when they are out training or on deployment.

  3. Sole custody?  Sure, but mom would have to be a total loser.  If he does get it he would have to submit someone to the court to act as guardian while he's deployed.

    Remember the case in IL a couple of years ago, where the "guardian" killed that little boy while his mom was in Iraq?  Judges are looking at the secondary person a h**l of a lot harder now than they used to because of that child being beat to death.  Rightfully so.

  4. Yes, but the judge will ensure that he has a caregiver/legal guardian set up for deployments.

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