
Can an adoptive parent obtain a copy of the OBC upon adopting a child?

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I would like to have as much information as possible for my kids about their first family. Is this something I can get from the start and keep safe for my child(ren) when they want it?

And, since I'm on the subject, for anyone else who has adopted older kids from foster care, were you able to get any pieces of memorabilia for your kids (i.e. pictures of the child before placement, pictures of his/her family, foster family, etc.)? I wonder what I can expect.




  1. I adopted 3 older children from foster care, and I have to say it depends on the child's family whether or not they will give you anything like pictures or keepsakes for them.   I also have original birth certificates and copies of their original SS cards kept back for them for when they are older.  I have a file for each of my adopted children that I plan on giving them when they are older, full of important information on their birth families.  I think it's very important for them to have some history of their past and where they came from.  Unfortunately, some of the families wouldn't give me any baby pictures, so some of them feel quite badly they don't have anything to look back on when they are older.  If only the birth parents could realize they are harming their children not the adoptive parents or the state when this happens!

  2. I don't know if it varies based on state, but we were NOT allowed to obtain the original birth certificate for our son unfortunately.  We also were not allowed to have his original social security number either - until the adoption was finalized and we were legally his parents.  The state of NJ felt that we were only "caregivers" of the child until the adoption was finalized.  And once the adoption was finalized, we were only entitled to the *new* birth certificate.  Because he had been without his original SSN for so long and we were told that there was a chance that it was used for illegal purposes (identity theft), we fought social security to obtain a new SSN for him.  

    It would be nice though if we could have obtained the OBC for our son.

  3. Yes, make sure you get a copy for your child before the adoption is finalized.  You won't be able to get one after that.

    Huge hugs for thinking of the child and their best interests

  4. I agree with Laurie, we were given our daughters OBC along with all of her other paperwork that we needed until the adoption was finalized.  Good luck to you.

  5. This is something that any adoptive parent can receive prior to the time the adoption finalizes because records do not seal until a finalization occurs.  Therefore, the only birth certificate for the child prior to finalization is the original.  No amended certificate has been issued yet.  

    Just a side note (as I know your adoption won't fail,) if an adoption fails, the records unseal and the original birth certificate is once again the child's only legal birth certificate.


    I forgot to mention that after an adoption is finalized, it is usually much more difficult for AP's to obtain an OBC than it is for the adoptees themselves (after they attain adulthood.)

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