
Can an adult drink an infant milk?

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I was looking for a lactose-free milk but what I only found was Enfa*** (not sure, there's an 'Enfa' in it) - a lactose-free milk made for infants (babies). I really couldn't find a lactose-free milk for adults. So is it ok to drink it on a regular basis?




  1. Milk made specifically for infants is going to have a considerably higher fat content.  You can drink it but keep in mind the calories are going to be up there.  I personally prefer to drink a soy milk called "Silk"  It comes in a few different flavors (Chocolate, Vanilla and Plain) and tastes pretty good.

  2. i think its ok...i like baby milk...i like to eat the powder...delish...

  3. I don't see why not

  4. there are 2 answer.,,

    If you don't accustomed to drink milk, you will have probles if drink it.,,

    for example,there are some adult people have long time don't drink milk, if they drink milk, they will have stomach problem and diarrhoea.,,eventhough if they drink infant milk which enrich by lactose,., they will more have big diarrhoeastomuch problem

    It caused by their intestinal villi isn't accustomed for absorb the lactose

    But there are some people no problem if drink milk, because maybe they often drink milk, so their intestinal villi can absorb the lactose but if they drink it to much, althought regular milk for adult, they will get stomach problem too

    Besides the big problem is, it can spend you money, infant ilk is so expessive

  5. Enfamil? The powder? I'm sure it is okay to drink, but it may have a lot of unnecessary fat for an adult and it might also not taste to good. If you already like it, try it, but not too often because it has nutrients meant for babies that you dont need. If you are looking for a lactose free milk in liquid, there is a brand called Lactaid which they sell near the regular milk and soy milk. But I dont know where you live, if you do not live in the US, it may be harder to find.

  6. No harm, u can.

    But if an infant drinks an adult milk, this is a harm !

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