
Can an adult who is newly licenced drive a minor within the first year- California?

by  |  earlier

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A 19 year old who has had her provisional license for over a year, yet is NOT a practiced driver will be getting her license in a bit. With the statistics of new drivers getting into accidents, I'm worried about her driving her child who is only 2 years old. I'm trying to figure out what the law is in california for the sake of her childs safety.




  1. The way that the law reads is that she is over 18 years of age and yes she can transport her child, the laws are much different for under the age of 18.......

  2. sheesh, get a grip.

    Your daughter is an adult.  Leave her alone and butt out of her life.  "for the sake of the child's safety is a bunch of #@^"  stop being so controlling.

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