
Can an air pump be used in place of a filter?

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I meant air stone. I'm not quite sure of the difference though.




  1. No.  A filter is just that a piece of equipment that FILTERS the water and small particles and inorganics as well as organics from the water.  It also adds the Dissolved oxygen (which is what fish need to breath) into the water.   An air stone is decoration only and does very little to nothing for the dissolved oxygen levels in the tank.

    No a tank needs a filter.  

  2. No, an airstone just makes bubbles in the water, a filter removes debris and toxins.  Supposedly an airstone adds oxygen to the water but since the bubbles break at the surface I'm not sure how true that is.


  3. NO

    but you can get some airpump/stone powered filters

  4. a filtor ... filters the water to keep it clean

    a pump blows out air and when u put a air stone on the pump and put it in the water it blows out bubbles when in the water

    bubbles are good for the heath of the fish and it makes ur tank look nicer

    good luck

  5. No. An air stone merely lets out air bubbles, causing some surface movement and oxygenation within the tank. A filter contains the good bacteria within the media to help maintain levels such as ammonia and nitrate within the tank, an air stone does not do this.

    An air pump can be used to power a sponge filter however.

  6. No. An air stone is a way to increase oxygen in the water by pumping air through the stone. The exchange of oxygen occurs when the surface of the water is disturbed, thus the reason air stones create bubbles.

    A simple way of describing a filter is it acts like a strainer, taking out gunk and returning clean water into the system. It also harbors beneficial bacteria, which help take fish waster and convert it to less harmless things, which build up and require weekly water changes.

    This is part of the Nitrogen Cycle, which is present in all tanks.

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