
Can an albino and regular krib mate?

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I want to know this because a few years back I tried mating a blue and albino convict together and failed. They didn't even spawn. (This after succesfully breeding albinos and regular blues separately) Now I want to breed krib and I was wondering if they look past there scales and have interracial fry?




  1. Yes they can, if they are a compatible male and female that have paired up.  Same with the convicts.  You can't just place a male with a female and expect them to mate.  It's best to get 6-8 young and let them pair off on their own.  If you get 6 albinos and 2 regular, then you should end up with at least a pair of each.  But you'll probably end up with mostly regular fry, wiith maybe a few albinos thrown in for fun, though that's unlikely.

    It's taken someone a long time to get albinos that would breed true, and breeding them back is kind of senseless to me.  I strongly recommend sticking with one or the other, or both separately.

  2. Albinoism is not a seperate species but rather something broken in the genetic line is all.  There should be no reason unless infertile that they couldn't breed.  No on interracial because again, these are not two different species, same species but slightly different genetically.

    Oh yeah I agree with Topps on that part.  Just having a male and female doesn't promise mating, plus your water conditions and the overall conditions of the fish will factor in.  I just wanted to add for Potts, I've been breeding Protomelas Steveni with regulars and Albinos.  Fathers were all regulars and females albino's and was gettting a 50-50 split on regulars and albinos.  Might be just that species, not sure.

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