
Can an apartment manager ask for child's info?

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If I move into an apartment building, let's say a 2-bedroom and they want to know who is taking the other room, do they need to know the child's info?

Can or do they ask for ID #'s/Cards or SS #'s of children??




  1. As far as your children are concerned they don't need to know any more than date of birth.

  2. YES - they do need some info on the kids, but not their ss# or ID.

    All most places ask for is name,age and birth date. They just need this so that they know how many people are living there because there are capacity laws that dictate how many people can live in a certain # of bedrooms. They also need some basic info on them so that they know who belongs there and who is a trespasser.

  3. Normally, we believe what the parents say about the children. Normally you will be required to furnish this on the application:

    Childs Name

    Date of Birth


    Social Security  numbers are asked for as well. I've had Social Services a time or two need to verify exact information on a minor child.

    Basically, any line item on the application should be filled out...

  4. no way. but they can ask how many people r living in the aartment nd for their names to make sure that the apartment is not overcrowded so dont give the info away. they even have to let you know when they are going to come by and take a walk through. you have soooo many rights as a tenant. stand your ground!

  5. Absolutely not.

    That is none of their business.  All they need to know is "how many under 18".

    Any other questions are illegal.

    Find another place...sounds like a weirdo or identity theft ring to me.

    PS:  Social services will NEVER contact a landlord to get/verify personal information on a child.  They will call a school or ask for medical records.

    The name of the child isn't even important.

  6. The child is an adolescent and not responsible for the rent if it goes unpaid no they don't have the right to receive this information it would be a violation of the childs privacy rights.

  7. No, they just want to know the names of all the people living in the apartment. Most rentals have restrictions on how many people can occupy a place with a given amount of bedrooms.

    They also want to know who all is in there, in case there's a fire or something and the firemen have to go rescue everyone. If they get everyone out that's on the list, they don't have to risk their lives going back in for nothing.

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