
Can an atheist believe in a God created by man and pray to Him?

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I mean: if God is a man's creation maybe it's useful for something, like all the other man's creations.




  1. I just imagined a pink and purple dotted black cat with six legs and dog's ears.

    Is that concept good for anything?

  2. we could but I dont want to

  3. That would rather negate the use of the term "atheist" to describe that particular person...

  4. God (or the concept, thereof) *was* created by Man.  That's exactly why we *don't* worship Him.


  5. Now why would I pray to a man-made imaginary being.... I'll stick to praying to my toaster, thank you.

    Shhh....the bear is sleeping...

  6. im glad you believe He made you but He isnt created....become humble first...otherwise He will ignore you..

  7. The God(s) of religions today were created by men, so I guess you answered your own question.  

    Atheists do not pray to God(s).

  8. For all the good it will do them.

  9. Could do, yeah.  But what would be the point?

  10. I believe that gods have been created by man.

    But why would I want to pray to them? I don't believe (and there is no compelling evidence to) in the power of prayer.

    Why waste my time?

  11. Without a doubt.  I pray to His Noodlyness everyday.


  12. you are not an atheist if you believe in a god

  13. well as an atheist myself i feel that god was created as something the human race could rely on to blame on all of their faults and as a straightforward way of concluding where everything came from but most importantly as a reasurance whether thats that we're not alone or if you just need some confidence

    if prayin to a god makes you feel content a reasured then you go ahead and do it me dear because thats what its there for it also helps phsycolgically like the placeo effect if you beleive something is there and is doing its job (but isnt) it may still work phsycologically

    im not saying your mental

    goodluck m8!

  14. No. The concept of god is of no use to an atheist.

  15. like guns?

    or war

    or hate

    all man thought up

    god is man's creation, yet there are still athesists

    there's your answer

  16. God was created by the imaginations of humans. How that makes him any more worthy of prayer is beyond me.

  17. An atheist who believes in a god is NOT an atheist, per definition!

    However, I know some atheists who are fully aware of the fact that there are no deities out there, but they still pretend as if there are, and pray to them. Non-theistic pagans, for instance.. I've seen quite a few of them on here.

    I would say those people are still atheists. However, if they started to truly believe in it, they wouldn't be atheists anymore.

    That's MY take on it, at least.

  18. Sure. Some atheists pretend there are gods because it's entertaining for them to do the rituals or be involved in the culture, but they don't actually believe. It's just for fun.

  19. No comprehendo my friend.

    I know you are Pagan, but my God was not "invented."'

    Some languages contain over 3,000 root words with 'god.' Why would that be so?

    Best regards.

  20. I am not sure.......but......NO you can't you. God doesn't like when someone says someone created something that he made therefor he is a jealous God.

  21. If you accept that god is man's creation, god seems about as useful as Batman or Sherlock Holmes.  Can be they make for entertaining and didactic stories?  Yes.  Are they real or directly relevant to life?  No.  I have known people who appreciate holy books as literature without taking them seriously.

  22. Let's see now, Atheists believe in no gods, sooooo....

    Why in the world would they create one????  That's what theists did...

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