
Can an attorney who is licensed in America practice, or represent clients in the European Union?

by Guest59082  |  earlier

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An example would be, an attorney working for an international law firm in say, New York, and then moving to Paris to work in one of it's offices there.




  1. Depends on local law, and on the nature of his practice.

    In general, a lawyer needs to be licensed in the jurisdiction in which he wishes to practice, but there exceptions. A New York lawyer could, for example, practice in Paris without a French license as long as he limited his practice to assisting French clients with their New York legal issues. If he got involved with a domestic French issue, or an issue with a case in Nevada, he'd be on shaky ground.


  2. The attorney must obtain another license, or a court order allowing him to practice in the new state or the new country. The attorney's ability to practice law in another jurisdiction is regulated by that jurisdiction. There is nothing automatic about it.

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