
Can an axis I diagnosis change with treatment?

by Guest32335  |  earlier

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my child has axis I, mood disorder nos. axis II, ODD. axis III, mixed personality disorder. axis IV, cerebral dysrhythmia. i was wondering if any of these could change with treatment.




  1. Yes.

    Anxiety Disorders can be dealt with by drugs and/or therapy

    Cognitive Disorders might be changed, depends on which one it is.

    Dissociative Disorders can be helped by therapy and sometimes drugs.

    Eating Disorders can be helped by therapy.

    Factitious Disorders can probably be helped by therapy.

    Impulse-Control Disorders can be helped by therapy.

    Mood Disorders can definitely be helped by therapy and drugs.

    Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders take therapy, drugs, and time to work out, but yes.

    Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders (really depends on whether or not you think some of this stuff is a problem or not) can be helped by therapy.

    Sexual Disorders = therapy and drugs.

    Sleep Disorders can be helped with drugs and since sleep problems point to mood disorders a lot of the time therapy would probably help as well.

    Somatoform Disorders can probably be helped with therapy but that's a complex category.

    Substance-Related Disorders can be helped with therapy and time and maybe limited drug intervention.

    So yes and no.  Overall a lot of things can change, it just takes time and work.

  2. Huh?

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