
Can an emotion take over your physical body when absorbed?

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I just had the most horrific experiance of my life. I was just walking around, as my friend was going through a really roughtime, and yyes i am an empath, and absorb the emotions of others, especially this girl, she causes me to absorb more than anyone else. Well i began to feel like my hands were not satisfied with what they were doing, and the feeling slowly spread to my arms and chest. I knew what was happening, to an extent. I knew that something was happening to my body, and that i needed to center myself. So i quickly grabbed a CD player and a calming cd, and started to center myself, but it was too late, and i knew it was, becuase i started to shake. Beggining to freak a little, i started to breathe deeply, trying to ward off the invading something. when i went upstairs with her to talk about it, it took those 10 secs to take oer and i was sitting on the grgound, legs shaking without my control and I couldn't stop gripping my cd player. But i could breathe fine and think clear..




  1. Emotions aren't a substance, so they can't "take over" your body or spread like some foul odor.  It sounds to me like you have a severe issue with anxiety.  Try some Xanax.  It works for me. :-)

  2. There are those people I like to call "psychic vampires." The exude negative energy and emotions and literally "drain" people around them of positive energy.

    Avoid these people. They usually do not want help in solving their problems, they just want to live in their misery and get people's sympathy.

    I remember one woman who was a psychic vampire. She belonged to a group who got together and discussed their problems. I went a few times, got some pointers on dealing with tough problems, then stopped going. A few years later I had an acquaintance who needed help. I took her with me to the group. There was the same woman, discussing the same old problems, getting sympathy from newer people. Without taking responsibility for their own lives, emotions and actions, these people never change. So again, AVOID THEM.

  3. That sounds pretty strange, personally I've never experienced anything like that before.  Sounds like anxiety and panic aside from the being able the breathe comfortably part.

  4. Sure.

    there is so much hype and misdirection for those who are Empathic and very little understanding still at this time in public.

    On that note emotions have powerful effects for anyone.

    Learning to deal with our own is hard enough and empaths have a little more to do to become clear and effective in our lives.

    A Gamma consciousness is where we want to be as living Empaths

    Taking a active role in understanding and caring for our empathic natures is fulfilling and helpful.

    "Grasping the implications of the field effect can take you out of the realm of "superstitious thinking" into a rational and grounded appreciation for empathic functioning."Jad Alexander

  5. The first time I had an experience like that was the first time I channeled a spirit. I channeled it through my spirit guides, and when he entered me, I began to shake really bad, and I did this weird thing with my hands... I just desperately raking them through my hair. And when he left my body, my knees completely gave out from under me. But like you, I could think clearly.

    Don't be afraid, you're perfectly fine, but it sounds to me like you had a spirit try to channel through you. It can be terrifying the first time you feel it, it feels so completely foreign, and in a sense it is, but you were perfectly safe. Chances are good it either WAS your guide or your guide was right there helping you. I almost get the sense that when you began to freak, he let go. It wasn't a bad spirit, in fact I get that you are very safe.

    But I really think that's what that was--a spirit trying to channel through you.

  6. Sounds like a Super Panic Attack to me!!! Why would you think it was something else? I have them all the time...only less now with medicine. Actually, the fear of having them is almost as bad as the attacks themselves. I think I was an empath too...took on everybody's feelings..tried to be " a voice for the voiceless"..Boy, did I learn!!! I think you need to learn how to get control over this "absorbing others' feelings". Humans aren't made to carry that much. You'll end up with a nervous breakdown and "frozen emotions" if you don't get a handle on your empathy. When it starts hurting stops being a "gift".

    Edit...Did your teeth chatter too??

  7. Hello

    As a psychic this seems to me to be anxiety related, adrenalin.


  8. We are often influenced by the emotions of people around us.   That's why its important to be around upbeat people and not be surrounded by those who are depressed, always complaining or demanding, etc.      Some people are more sensitive than others.       But we can't always be around happy people, because sometimes people we care about go through rough times,  and I admire your loyalty to your friend.

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