
Can an employee stay in the store like subway Mcdonald etc after finishing his/her job or not wat law says ???

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i just want to know tht if i m working in any food store like subway mcdonald and i finished ma job and i stayed ova there just to take rest as i was very tired after ma job etc and left the store when store closed in the the night i mean i stayed for 5hrs extra and i was not working there i was just sitting and helped my other collegues in closing of the store .... so wat british law says basically for this type of situation tht wether an employee can stay in the store after finihsing his / her job or not





  1. i think it has to do with insurance ..not really a law.

    I know that no one who is on the clock is suppose to be in the kitchen area.For insurance reasons..(dont ask me what the reason is)i just know when i worked in restaurant yrs one was allowed back in once we clocked out for that reason..

    they cracked down on it certain times more so than others..maybe it has to do something with that...

    but no other law that i know of..we always hung out in the bar drank and ate after work and no one ever said there was a law about

  2. Depends on employee handbook, but most bosses do not turn away free labor as a general rule, yes you can....unless told otherwise by management

  3. WHAT?????????????

  4. im a manager at mcdonalds and our insurance says when we close lobby up at 11:00pm if their are customers still in the store they can stay till 15 minutes after. after 11:15 they have to leave the building. now staying in a building helping them if your not an employee you shouldnt be in there after close. if you were to get hurt or something would happen the insurance would not pay. meaning someone is getting sued. if you are an employee you have to be on the clock or its the same results.  hope this is what your looking for

  5. alot of people do it in America!!!

  6. This is very serious. You need to consult a cretin. A cretin can help you sort out this matter and can direct you to the appropriate resources. Furthermore.

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