
Can an employer ask an employee to take on someone else's duties during industrial action (a strike) in the UK

by  |  earlier

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An employer has asked an employee to take on the duties of someone who will be 'on strike' and forsake their own duties to do this. I don't think that's right.

Can anyone tell me (with evidence please) if this is against union rules in the UK?




  1. You can only answer this yourself,what does it say in your contract of employment,READ AND WEEP.( or not ).

  2. Yes it is a reasonable request and as long as you are deemed competent to do this task by your employer he is quite within his rights.

    If you are not happy with this then join the union and go out on strike with the rest of your workmates ! Your union will then be able to answer any work related queries you may have in the future.

  3. He's the employer, he can ask you to do anything for him, he pays you!

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