
Can an employer make you have internet at home?

by  |  earlier

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My work is trying to mandate people to have internet at home to check their schedules and not allow them to call in for them. Is this legal? I do not have the internet at home, I have no need for it really I go elsewhere to use it and I do not have a job that requires it other than to get the schedule.




  1. They could require that you have access to the internet.  The public library allows 1 hour per day per customer.  You can check your schedule there. That is what you are talking about.

    If you work for a privately owned business, i guess they could do whatever they liked.  But to lose a good employee over internet doesn't make much sense.

  2. No, unless your job is specifically on the internet, they can't force you to have it ~ If they do try to force you to have it, they must compensate you for it.

    Chances are they spent money getting someone to code and process the schedule onto the website, and are trying to get more people to use it. They can not enforce it, and if they try to threaten you with loss of job, then threaten back with Wrongful Termination.

  3. Tell your employer that I said he/she sucks.

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