
Can an employer pay you less on a salary than your hourly paid rate?

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I am paid a very good hourly rate under the working rule agreement contract which pays time & half over 39 hours and double time over 50 hours. If my employer insists I go on a salary, am I entitled to get the equivalent pay.If I refuse, where do I stand if they decide to lay me off because I earn more than salaried staff? I am uk based




  1. if the salaried pay is less than the basic rate you are on now then no they cant do that. however if it is equal to or more than your basic hourly rate over a year for the 39 hrs they can,

    as for overtime it is exactly that an they dont need to give you any.

  2. Yes if you are daft enough to accept the contract. You do not have to accept the contract he or she is trying to save money and if you take the contract you will be expected to work all hours for the same money at there beck and call as you will be classed as salaried staff as they are.  You are earning more than they are and they are pis ed off about it. If they lay you off   they cant employ some one in your place with in 6 months that is against the law.

  3. I get paid around £7.50 per hour according to my contract of employment. However I'm actually on salary, which means that when I work 11 or 12 hour days with no lunch break ( most of the time ), it works out that I'm nearer £4.50 per hour.

    Apparently there's nothing I can do about it.

    I drive for a living, constantly break the speed limit, and don't take breaks. The workload rises, and my stress levels are volcanic.

    I look forward to the day when someone in Brussels decides that ALL goods vehicles should be on tacho, and no driver should work longer than a 40 hour week. My boss would p**p a breeze block, and I would be able to relax.

  4. You need to ask at the Citizens Advice Bureau - but if the employer's paying the minimum wage or above, or hasn't quoted you a certain hourly rate, you may not be lucky.

  5. They can do that...I think you need to visit the Citizens Advice Beaureau...they're very good with this sort of thing and it is all free.

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