
Can an ex-felon own a bb gun?

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Can an ex-felon in California own a BB gun, I know they can't own a firearm, but is a BB gun a firearm?




  1. No, they're not considered guns.

  2. even if you have a felony you can get a bb gun because there not considered as a gun gun. and you don't get background checked for BB guns

  3. "Felonies are Forever"

    "ex felon" is a misnomer. Once a felon always a felon.

    unless. . .

    death, expungement or pardon.

    You'd have to check local ordinances and laws. Caliber defines the class and definition of a "gun".  A BB gun or pellet gun is primarily .177 cal. But there are some .22 air guns on the market.  

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