
Can an exempt salaried employee be docked pay for taking off for a couple of hours?

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Can an exempt salaried employee be docked pay for taking off for a couple of hours?




  1. legally yes unless the employee does this continually its a crappy thing for employers to do amd most wont

  2. Just because you are not paid by the hour doesn't mean you can come and go at will.

    Your employer hired you to be there.  They give you vacation time if you need to take time off.  You presumably have the vacation time but have it in your head that if you don't take a whole day, it doesn't count.

    A couple of huors is probably 2-3 hours.  Do that 3 times and you've docked your employer a day of work.  Your employer is calling your bluff and docking your pay.  If they consider that even, great.  If not, start looking for another job.

  3. There likely exists a labor contract or at least a policy that covers this issue.  Labor law would not prohibit the employer doing so unless a right exist via the contract.  

  4. Depends on the company policy.  Sometimes they think under one hour is okay but if it exceeds 1 or even 2 hours it should be taken as vacation time.  See if your company has a written "time off policy" and see what it says.

  5. If you are in California view the link below for clarification.

  6. Yes, if it is a regular occurence, you can be docked, or forced to use vacation hours.  If it's a once in a blue moon thing you probably will not be docked at all.

  7. Should not be.  Could be grounds for disciplinary action but exempt employees are not held to the same standards related to work hours as non-exempt.

  8. Can they?  Depends on company policy.  Should they be?  Depends on that same policy and the situation (whether it's regular or only occasional, what notice was given, how often the same employee worked extra)

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