
Can an i.v. needle stuck in the hand the wrong way, damage a nerve and give you numbness?

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Can an i.v. needle stuck in the hand the wrong way, damage a nerve and give you numbness?




  1. if a nerve is struck in any way it can be damaged so i would say yes it can your best bet is to try and get an EMG done to see whats going on and tell them what happened. Best of luck

  2. Well, it's probably not nerve damage if it's numb, they usually give sharp pains if it's damaged a nerve. But yes, it can be stuck in your hand the wrong way and cause numbness, I had an IV while in for a c-section and the aide didn't get it in deep enough, so it was just causing a fluid filled area that went numb because the nerves didn't know how to deal with the fluid pressing on them. If the numbness persists for a while and is larger than a quarter, go see a doctor and discuss what it could be. Good luck!  

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