
Can an illegal alien be held captive overnight?

by  |  earlier

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if he commited the crime of tresspasing, because you dont want to deal with calling the cops in the middle of the night




  1. Unfortunately you can't, its kidnapping.  You have to call the police right away, while you are on the phone you can hold them under citizens arrest until the police arrive.

  2. No, the police are on duty 24/7. If you catch a criminal, you have to turn them in to the police right away.  

  3. Sure! if you want to go to jail with them to.

    Citizen's Arrest Law:

    Any person making an arrest pursuant to this section shall deliver the person arrested to a law enforcement officer without unreasonable delay.

  4. NO, call 911 right away!!!

    i am just saying you can't hold someone "against their will" overnight because you cant deal with calling the police now and then went the crime is committed against you.

  5. no but you could chase him back across the border at gunpoint, or call the cops and have incareceated

  6. You say that he committed the crime of trespassing. Whom did he kill when he trespassed ?

  7. No you must call the police.

  8. That's called False Imprisonment, even if illegal alien trespassed your property, you have no authority to confine someone.

    Police is open, 25/7 you know. Just call 911.  

  9. Yes.  They are committing a crime just by being illegally in this country.  They can be held for much longer a period of time and then deported.

  10. No, a rancher in New Mexico was sued by 2 illegals and lost his ranch to the scumbags for doing just that.

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