
Can an indoor cat "go feral" after escaping?

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I have a 21/2 yo male cat which a neighbor left to us. He was about 9mo to a year old when we adopted him. He was an outdoor kitten when we took him in, got him fixed and his shots.From then on he has been indoors, but yesterday he got out and now he won't come to me when I call him, even though he was constantly at my side when he was here. Is it possible he remembers his time outdoors and now he's feral again? He has been fixed....




  1. It takes longer for an animal to be considered "feral."

    It certainly appears that your cat loves the outdoors, but as soon as it requires food, it will return.

  2. I did the same thing! we got a month old kitten, 3 years ago. He was found outdoors, but we took him in as in indoor cat, got him fixed, declawed and his shots. Once, he got outside and from then on, kept running away.

    Your cat has natural instincts in the wild. He goes outside to hunt, like he was tought to. He will come back home when he feels like it.

    I know its a bit discouraging, to see the cat leave and only come back when he feels like it. If you see that your cat comes back and repeats this often, i recommend purchasing an electric fence or a big outdoor cage. That way, your cat could be outside, without your worrying of his whereabouts.

    Good luck!

  3. Is he out there? I bet he will come to you for feeding, eventually! then you can catch him and put him back inside.

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