
Can an infant get lye/ lie bumps on their tongue?

by Guest65201  |  earlier

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My daughter has five little white bumps on the tip of her tongue. We go to the dr to make sure it's not thrush this afternoon. The bumps look more like lye bumps to me. Is it possible for a 23week (5.5mos) to get lye bumps?




  1. could be thrush. probably not lie. these are common in infants. your doc will be able to test if its thrush, otherwise should go away on its own.



    Lie bumps are relatively common — a 1996 study found that 56% of the respondents to their survey reported these lesions.[1] The most common presentation of this was found to be in young women, involving one or several fungiform papillae.[1] The symptoms last several days and resolve on their own with no treatment.[1]

    [edit] Cause

    The name "lie bumps" is a result of a myth stating that telling a lie would cause one.[3] Lie bumps are often attributed to irritation of the tongue's papillae (taste buds) by sharp food or teeth.[3] However, very little has been written about this condition in scientific articles or textbooks and scientific studies have failed to produce a definite cause.[1] Possible causes include: "stress, gastrointestinal upset, menstruation, acidic or sour food, and local trauma" (direct physical irritation) of the tongue.[1]

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