My wife's father passed away last year, leaving the home to his three adult children. My wife's younger brother lives in the house, and has lived there for some time. The younger brother worked as an independent contractor for a service company for the last 5 - 10 years, and was paid on a 1099. He hasn't filed income tax returns for a number of years. He doesn't make a lot of money, but he does make enough to owe Medicare and income taxes. The estate initially had a Medicaid claim against it, but the family received a hardship waiver due to the my brother-in-law's limited finances. I've heard that if you have co-mingled finances with someone and they owe the IRS, the IRS could come after our assets. The estate provided the 1099s to the Medicaid workers for evaluating the hardship, so the Medicaid division is aware no taxes were paid. Are they under any obligation to inform the state revenue office? My concern is the shared ownership of the house could expose my family if the IRS goes after the younger brother. Does inheriting the estate expose my wife to any IRS issues her brother might have?