
Can an o****m cause a bloodshot eye?

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I just had a much larger than normal o****m. Afterwords I noticed that my left eye is really blood shot. I don't think I've ever seen my eye so blood shot in my life. It looks red instead of white. Is there a connection? Did my blood pressure shoot up high enough during o****m to cause this?




  1. BLOOD PRESSURE PROBLEM...See a doctor!  Also, too much straining can cause rupture of vessels.  Be careful and see a doctor.


    o****m can cause the blood pressure to rise...afterword's the pressure will return to normal.  Your BP does not stay the same all of the time; it will rise and fall over the day.  

    You may have ruptured some small vessels in your eye due to the tension caused by o****m. OR your BP went very high during the o****m phase. OR the blood shot eyes may be totally unrelated.  It's worth a mention to your doctor.

  2. i have normal blood pressure and had one. it could be from tensing up real tight. i had bursted a blood vessel in one of my eyes during the wake for my diseased grandmother. When i tried to hold back from crying at the final viewing, it was a strong emotional outburst that i tried to restrict by tensing up my body and face real tight. The next morning i looked in the mirror and had a splotch of blood in the white of my eye. I think it took a good week or longer before it fully dissolved and went away. probably best check with your doctor though just to be safe, especially since you mentioned you have a blood pressure problem.

  3. i would agree that its blood pressure, may be its possible.

  4. sounds more connected to a blood pressure problem, possibly due to the sensation of the o****m you "shot up"

    see a doctor if it continues


  5. Don´t risk it. Go see a Doctor.  

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