
Can an "ugly girl"be "pretty?

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okay so l am like really REALLY ugly.i mean l look almost look like a man and lm 13!im always having 2 face harsh criticism from time i walking and some 2 kids said that i was mad ugly.that just got me all depressed and wanted 2 kill myself so people wouldn'tnt see my disgusting face anymore.didn'tnt want 2 post a pic because i thought it would be 2 ugly for ur eyes 2 is there anyway a ugly girl could be pretty?i cant even go out because all i will get is stares and people saying horrible thing behind my back.i havent been out 4 a while.please help!ugh if only soceity wasnt hooked up on looks these days!it isnt fair!do u know a place where i can get an EXTERME MAKEOVER?PLEASE HELP!THANKS =).




  1. ... is this a serious question!?

    if so, thats ****** up!

    you should post a picso i can help you fix a couple things.

    Im sure your beautiful.

    **** everyone else.

  2. we will all do our best to help, post a pic!

    Okay you both need to go and get a professional to wax your eyebrows. I think if you get a diff haircut and maybe add some highlights you will look better. Also, buy a flat iron to straighten your hair. Try wearing a bit of mascara, lipgloss and a bit of blush and you are good to go! Maybe your dress style is not showing off your looks that much either. Look at magazines and get some ideas from there to see if that helps you and your level of confidence. The clothes you wear def makes a difference especially if it fits right and if it's something that stands out in a good way.

  3. your gorgeous... I LOVE your eyes.. gosh ignore those people and also my suggestion is maybe straighten your hair then put it down... shaped your eyebrow (ask your mum if you could go to the salon and get it done professionally because doing it yourself is NOT a good choice... so belive me DO NOT plucked your own eyebrow it wil come out bad...!), put on some neutral colour eyeshadow like brown(maybe with a little shimmerry will be good as well), put on some blush to look less pale and some lipglos than your ready to go...

    Do you know i would kill to have your eyes I LOVE IT...

    Also that girl IS NOT prettier than you.. if you do what i say you'll look gorgeous..

    ANNNDDD... your not alone I feel like you as well.. and im sure every other girl feel the same sometime too...

    Here are some articles you might like:

    good luck... you can email me if you got any more problems..


  4. you can't be THAT ugly. i mean come on, you're only thirteen, you're supposed to be ugly until you're 16. (:

    i know this doesn't help too much, but it's basically true. if you want to feel more confident, do you're hair nice and wear a little make up. if you feel like you're "overweight" try to slim down.

    if you want an opinion from strangers, then ask yahoo!answers. you're probably not as "not pretty" as you think.

  5. An ugly girl can be absolutely beautiful.  Keep in mind that looks aren't could be the most beautiful girl in the world, with the ugliest language and attitude, therefore making you very ugly.  I can find something beautiful about everyone, so I'm very positive that I could do the same about you.  Please seek counseling for your self esteem.  

  6. post a picture if anyones mean f them!!!!!!!!

    its hard for me to help u without seeing u dont worry! post a pic!


  8. Oh, please, you can't be that ugly.;...

  9. youre not ugly! just be confident. nobody looks fabulous when theyre only 13. but when you get older, try getting your eyebrows done and experimenting with makeup, like all girls.

  10. One of my best friends is a girl who might be considered "not pretty", however I like my friend a lot and I find her attractive.  I'm a guy.

    If you really want "extreme makover" then buy a bikini from then eat a lot of vegetables and do a lot of exercise.  I find average girls wearing those are more attractive than anything, cause it shows they put in some EFFORT.  

    God made you and God loves you. Show it off.

  11. we need to know how bad you look so we can improve it. please post a pic. (:

  12. Like everyone else said...I need a pic to actually help you out. =]

  13. that girl you posted who thinksis prettier is gross.

    look from your picture you dont need that much help

    go get your eyebrows waxed or tweeze them yourself. get your hairdone either straightened or nice curls and a little bit of makeup. youre not extremely ugly. if you want your hair straightened i suggest by a good straightener. go take a trip to your local pharmacy oer beauty salon and ask them what they think you should do. go get your hair cut theyll work wonders on you

    thats what i did. i started stragiihtening my har and putting on make up and doing my eyebrows and i felt way better. i know how you feel. i was ugly

    uglier than you actually. i looked lieka  fat short kid with bushy eyebrows, and gross curly hair in a bun and headband. truly horrible looking. but now i feel way better about ym apprearance.

  14. ok listen, the more you think you are ugly, the more people will believe it. think about it. if you saw someone that was uglier than you, and they were acting all self-concious and shy, would you want to talk to them? no. try acting more confident. push your shoulders back, keep your chin up, and instead of waiting for people to ask to be your friend, ask THEM. who cares if you get rejected, that's their loss. just pick yourself back up again and move on. now i am not saying to not worry about your looks completely, it's ok to pamper yourself to make yourself feel better. just don't do it to affect other people. do it to affect yourself and your self-esteem. if you have acne, get some proactiv. if you have glasses, get contacts. if your hair has no volume, buy some curlers. if you are overweight, push your shoulders back, push your chin up, and this makes you look more confident which would attract more people than if you were gorgeous. i hope this helped! = D

  15. your not even as bad as you said just  let your face and body mature your still young! everyone had there ugly stage in life your only 13 teen your still a baby just weight a few years. the other girl is not pretty at all

  16. off!girl you are GORGEOUS!that other girl looked disgusting!no offense 2 her!just fix ur eyebrows a make it a lil thin,some slight makeup,different hairstyle then BAM!you will be one hottie!F**CK what people say you are pretty there are just jealous!you are going 2 be one beautiful girl!=D

  17. post a photo im sure your over reacting

  18. Makeup does wonders.

  19. post a photo, then I can help... without a photo, I don't know where to start to tell you what to do.

    EDIT:   I do not see why you feel you are ugly.  You are pretty.  Prettier than the other girl whom I assume is your friend.   you have big beautiful eyes.  You may want to just thin your eyebrows a little, and put a little make up, blush, eye shadow, and lipstick on.  Maybe pull your hair back a little, not in a pony tail, but just pull the front back and away from your face.  

    Otherwise, you don't need to change a thing.

  20. You're what, 13? No one is going to give an "exterme makeover" to such a young child.

    Why can't the ugly girl be pretty? How can we tell? We can't see anything.

    Oh, and you probably look like a "man" because you're still just at the beginning of puberty.

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