
Can an std look like a cut?

by  |  earlier

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i know this is gross, but i cut myself there shaving and i never really looked at the cut. I know sometimes cuts start to itch when they are healing. so i was wondering if the itching is the cut healing or an std. there is a cut wear the itch is, but it does not look infected or anything. I think i am just paranoid, but what do u guys think?




  1. It's just a cut. When it's down there with all of the bacteria and what not, it's going to itch. So, wash it and it should be healed soon!

  2. try using some cansten or vagisal cream used normallly to treat thrush this will cool and prevent itching you can buy both these over th counter and thier very effective . if this does not work consult your doctor . hope this helps  

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