
Can (and where) i get a job as a ghost hunter or a paranormal investagator in England ?

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serious ansaws only!!! somtime after i go to collage. (i'm 15 nearly 16)




  1. No you can't

    You could however write a book or find some other way to rip of the gullible, desperate, and distraught. If you are any good at it you might be able to wangle a TV show out of it, but you would have to think of a new angle because many shysters and con men have pretty much sown up all the available angles.

    Remember at the end of this will have to learn to sleep at night having made your fortune by giving false hope and deceiving desperate and damaged people.

  2. I'm pretty sure most paranormal investigators do it as a hobby. I don't think they get paid. The risk of getting paid would be the impression that you created the idea of a haunting to get a paycheck. Some are academics, the guys from 'Ghost Hunters', the series in America, are plumbers by day. The two main ones are anyhow. I doubt you can get research grants for that field of study, at this time anyways.

  3. Advertise on the net. I have been on many investigations and ghost hunts but it has been through the Internet.

    I love this subject!  Good luck with your search!

  4. Go to your local authority and ask them.

    Most of them have a dedicated team of Ghost Hunters,

    who are usually understaffed, and often derided, by the Public at large, and even their colleagues.

    You will probably be given the Job,

    because, funnily enough, not many people want to do it...

    ... Hang on, wait a minute, thats Traffic Wardens, sorry!

  5. You could find ghost anywhere, it all depends on the type of ghost. Are you only hunting evil spirits? Or are you hunting all spirits, maybe you classify vampire hunting, lyken hunting, which hunting, etc in that? I don't know how developed your sensing ability is, but if is well developed you could go to random buildings and sense if there is anything in it. You won't get paid for this line of work, if you do it, it will be just for yourself. If you can't sense that well, I suggest you develop that sense, and you could advertise on the net. But I warn you, if you are including in everything supernatural in your hunting, you will be in danger. It is a dangerous job and I would not recommend it, because there is nothing wrong in supernatural things

  6. you don't get a job as a ghost hunter, but you can join a ghost hunters group,just type in ghost hunters in ( your area name) on the internet and you should get some names and addresses of groups you can join! people like Avet Fielding from most haunted was already famous and she produces her own show along with her hubby that is why she gets paid for her work, but we are mere mortals therefore do it for the love!

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