
Can anorexia cause toothaches?

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I'm not anorexic at all but I am very picky and my mom doesn't shop for the good type of food at all. I would rather not eat at all than eat something I don't like. Sometime I will go a couple of days without eating. Last night my stomach hurt extremley bad because I've had nothing to eat for 4 days. This morning I woke up with a terrible toothache and it just hurts to talk. Could not eating right cause this?




  1. Not eating for 4 days at a time. Stomach pains, body aches. Denial. That all points to anorexia. Your body needs to eat to maintain your health. Talk to you mother about this. Does she know you go days at a time not eating. I doubt she does. Any good mother would NEVER let her child go a day without eating let alone 4!

  2. Denial is a sign or anorexia. Not eating for days at time is a symptom. Get help. And yes your body needs to eat something. By not eating your body will start to eat itself. Seek help you need it.

    later edit - not eating for 4 days at a time not matter how you color it is a problem. You need to talk with your mother. She must know your not eating shes right there. What kind of mother doesn't do or say something when her child doesn't eat for 4 days??

    You need help either with your mom or your eating problem. Denying there is an underlying issue isn't going to solve anything. Your all worried about a tooth when your body is screaming to eat. And you ignore it for days at a time.

  3. anytime you dont eat for 4 days anything can happen to your body. your body is getting no neutrients and that can deffinitally cause particular parts of your body to endure pain or other serious problems.  

  4. hun, you have anorexia. You are making excuses for your problem. Try to get some help for it.


    You may not think you have an issue but you do. You should never go that long without eating. Try talking to your mom. If she does not listen talk to a teacher, just someone. You need support and people to help you get through this. You just want to have to fix it.

    I am not saying this to be mean. I say it cause I am an empathetic person and I really hope the best for you.

    Feel free to contact me if you would like.

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