
Can another dimension exist in the same time space as ours allowing occasional sightings & viewing?

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Can the photographed UFO craft phenomenon and spirits be reflections or glimpses into a dimension sharing our same time space?

Is it like living in a two dimensional world and experiencing a third dimensional object. You have never seen a three dimensional object so you do not recognize it with your eyes but it is there.

Could that be what is happening here in our dimension and reality? These things are from a higher dimension and because of what we are limited to know in this dimension and the certain lighting our eyes register and are used to; we simply do not see what is there.

But every now and then because of certain lighting, the speed of the camera and the chance angle, we see these other dimensional objects show up.

Any thoughts




  1. The ideas of other dimensions is in fact required according to super string theory. Can we detect these dimensions or things that might exist in them? We can not directly detect them (at least at will) with current experiments so they are theoretical. However, some experimental evidence suggest that they exist. I would suggest reading the two books below and then rethinking about this question.

  2. .time warps and parallel universes have been pondered for a long time. Einstein was very big on the beliefs that you could warp time, tear holes in the universe, and possibly travel between dimensions. So yes its very possible. Its possible ghosts are a product of this time warping and every once in a while, we get to see into the past or future, but not touch it.

  3. yes -

    Aliens can do that.I dont understand them..I did see them and they do exist.

  4. You know, I have never thought of it like that. That's an interesting theory. That is completely possible, but I believe something different: we're just living in our little Milky Way galaxy, possibly with other solar systems out there (like other suns and other little earths revolving around it) and there are whole other galaxies like the Milky Way out there with one or possibly many more solar systems in them. The universe is endless. A very interesting thought, not disagreeing with you, just sharing my opinion.

  5. The scientists think that we are in a world with as many dimensions as 10 or 11, maybe more by now.  If you lived in a 2 dimension  world and saw a ball it would look like a  flat circle. I have know idea what a 7 or 8 dimensional object would look like in our 3 dimension world view.  It would explain a lot about UFO's that are reported to appear and disappear, fade in and fade out.  I don't think UFO's are from billions of miles away in space.  If they are real then I think they are more local, possibly another dimension.

  6. NO

  7. That is my belief. I picture our world as the inside of a ballon that is blown up with air. A UFO could be a beings finger tips sliding around the outside of our balloon and that would explain the impossible speeds, turns and redirections.

    Read flatland to understand other dimensions. by examining our relation towards two dimensional worlds, we can imagine easier a fourth dimensional worlds affect upon ours.

  8. YES! we r multidemensional beings!   there r infinite number of dimensions,each one infinite and having infinite number of probable realities,alternate universes,and parallel universes!   EVERYING IS ONE!  separation exists in the DUALTY ILLUSION of the logical,linear and localized cosciousness of the stunblling block known as THE RATIONAL MIND   we are separated from other realties onlly by our belief in separation and the infinite levels of vibratory rates!

  9. This is possible, but is it probable?  I don't think so.  At least I don't see any reason why this would necessarily need to be.  Occam's Razor makes short work of this hypothesis.

    There has been no solid evidence of extraterrestrial UFOs.  It appears to me as if you are trying to rearrange the laws of the universe in order to accommodate one of your pet beliefs.

    This is pretty creative thinking.  You should write sci-fi.

    I'm glad to see you're laying off the conspiracy stuff.

  10. Okay dude... this is going to blow your mind.  Go to this site... and play the video (you may need to download flash).  It will explain everything to you all the way up to the 10th dimension and I think it would TOTALLY answer your question.  I had to watch it twice, but it completely set me straight.

    edited to show a better link to the media.

  11. You think like I think!lol...I do know that when "whatever " happened to whole life seemed different.  It seemed like everything was in "technicolor". I was able to "pick up" on things that others couldn't....and see the "reason " for things that happened.But that's over now and everything is "black and white"...what a bummer!!! (No..I wasn't on drugs!)..probably crazy...but it was a WHOLE LOT better than THIS.!!!!

  12. I believe this is possible. I feel we have parallel universes. some even believe that at times we may be able to cross over ourselves without knowing it, but I won't go that far.

    I think at times instead of ghosts UFOs it could be a parallel world that we are viewing. I don't think all ghost sightings are this easy to explain but yes, I do feel some are.


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