
Can antibiotics cause a fever as a reaction / side effect?

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Particularly drugs in the penecillin family, for example, particularly amoxocillin or clindamycin?




  1. Yes,antibiotics can cause a side effect caused anaphylactic reaction & shock.therefore we have to give a test dose before administering the full dose.

    Fever can be caused if any inflammation present in the body

  2. Yes....

    However, clindamycin is not in the penicillin family

  3. Yes, it's called drug fever.  It can really make it difficult to tell if a patient is actually still infected sometimes.  You have to continue to look for other infections signs/symptoms such as increased WBC and malaise.

  4. Yes. Antibiotics kill the bacteria and the killed bacterial proteins act as allergens causing drug fever and drug rash .

    Herxheimer reaction  is when toxins are released from killed bacteria  and cause sudden high fever.

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