
Can anxiety cause loose yellow stool or yellow diarrhea?

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I had a major anxiety attack after a huge fight with my husband 2 weeks ago (I have anxiety disorder and panic disorder). I am just starting on meds again, though they have not yet kicked in much. That same night I had bright yellow diarrhea .

In the past I have had diarrhea after many panic attacks or anxious periods of time, but I don't remember it ever being bright yellow to pale yellow.

I've read up some medical issues it coudl be from and now I am worried even more, making myself more anxious!

Could severe constant anxiety cause this YELLOW stool? I feel like I'm constipated.. not really painful.. I just feel like I need to pass but can't, and then it passes as a little diarrhea. I have it every other day or so for the past 2 weeks but I am still going through such severe anxiety that I can't sleep, can barely eat, and can't function.

If anyone else has ever experienced this, please let me know!




  1. yes, this could be caused by excessive anxiety. as can iritable bowel syndrome which sounds likely too. see you dr to put your mind at rest.

    anxiety can cause any number of somatic reactions ranging from headaches, change in bowel habilts to panic attacks which you are already suffering. so can a change of medication.

    the chances of this being anything serious is very slim. so try to rationalize it.

  2. call your doctor ASAP. that doesnt seem very healthyy!

  3. It might be the meds, or a combination of the two. Has your diet been the same? Zoloft tore up my stomach and my stools were pale. Some meds can cause gastrointestinal distress.  

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