
Can any Muslim guess what is the gift presented to Muslims?

by Guest61382  |  earlier

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There was a precious gift presented by Allah on the nigh of Al-Isra and Al-Miraj !!




  1. al-buraq

  2. Prayers...

  3. salat/prayer

  4. The messenger of Allah ( peace and blessings be upon him ) was given three things:

    1. He was given the five prayers

    2. He was given the seals of Surat Al-Baqarah

    3. and he was given pardon for the majority wrong actions of everyone of his community who did not associate anything with Allah ( Muslim )

    The Mi'raj ( the second part of the journey) , Muhammad ( SAW ) is taken to the heavens, where he tours the circles of heaven, and speaks with the earlier prophets, and with Allah. Allah tells him to enjoin the Muslims to pray fifty times a day; however, Moses tells Muhammad that they would never do it, and urges Muhammad to go back several times and ask for a reduction, until finally it is reduced to five times a day.

  5. 5 times Prayers

  6. Al-Kawthar is another gift besides the 5 prayers, and each prayer comes with 10 Hasanat.


    and inshAllah you will drink from it where you will never get thirsty forever.

  7. yes, five times prays,

  8. Prayers....  

  9. Prayers and milk?

    And also:

    017.001 Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless,- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things).

    Al-Qur'an, 017.001 (Al-Isra [Isra, The Night Journey, Children of Israel])

  10. hasanat

  11. This is a good site on Islam, please check it out:

  12. To be good with your parents and show respect to them.

    The above is not related to Isra and ..

    About Isra and .. To take benefit from the views of h**l fire and heaven.

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