
Can any aerospace engineer tell me what their daily work routine is?

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I am goign to become an aerospace engineer within the next few yeras, and I would like to know if anyone is an aerospace engineer who can describe their job to me. What is your daily work routine, and what do you dislike most aobut the job?





  1. Chicken Soup is good.

  2. Well I work for Pratt & Whitney one of the lead airplane engine designers in the world.

    My daily tasks include:

    - conducting tests to measure the preformance of new engines.

    - Investigating failed engines.

    - Designing engines

    - Supervise the mechanics to make sure they are installing everything properly.

    - Conduct tests.

    One month im doing this one month im doing that...there many more tasks, but im not going to go into all of them. I just hope you get the basic understanding of what an aerospace engineer dose.

    The #1 thing i dislike about my JOB is the noise...everytime there are tests going on you will be hearing roars of engines going of (some of them blowing up).

    Our plant has 4 Fire alarm levels also that go off every single day!

    Overall I love my JOB!!!

  3. Well, first, I work for NASA at Goddard space flight center.

    It depends on what part of a project you are working on. It takes dozens to hundreds of engineers to produce a given project.

    For instance: one group of say 12 could get together to work on the power systems for a spacecraft. Another group could work on launch procedures, etc.

    I work in a group that has the task of integrating all the parts the other groups create and give the whole unit its final set of test. I work the I&T group for the ELC module that will be added to the International Space Station.

    My day is usually, meeting with other groups to share information. Working on plans to bring the pieces together and most of my day is spent figuring what test are needed and how to do those test.

    Hope that helps :)

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