
Can any alternative temate petrol?

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alternatives like ethanol,hydrogen,solar energy etc. temate petrol




  1. Will happen,Already many cab companies are switching thier vehicles to duel alternatives.This will lead to greater reliance on electric power.Solar is the obvious step forward and how to store this free energy

  2. we can use LPG gases, biodiesel

  3. It seems like biodiesel and electric are the best options, but I think gas will be around for a long time because it's still cheap and the infrastructure for energy is still built around gas.

  4. Unfortunately , as long as the petro chemical companies make so much money and control so much power most practial ways to replace oil will not come about. maby if the oil companies had there finger in it as well perhaps.

    We have the technology to blow the world to bits, why on earth have they not managed to find a way to use it in more practial ways. A fuel cell that you buy with your car and lasts for the life of the car or for 10 years.?. Then replace the car.

  5. I don't understand "temate" so if you explain that in an edit I can better answer for you.

    But if you mean replace petroleum, eventually biodiesel, clean electric, and cellulose ethanol will prevail as the world runs out of oil.

    I'll be looking for your edit.

  6. ethanol corn based is a energy looser.... you put more energy in the whole proses than the total amount of energy you`ll get....

    a little example to show you how screwed we are (worldwide)...

    to supply just 3% of the total of Japan´s consumption of gas with ethanol, it will take the entire ethanol production of Brazil, which is by the way the most important ethanol producer worldwide..

    i`m sure the US guzzles far more gas than the j**s... do the math!!

    solar its a good alternative but never to supply the obscene amount of energy that we use.....

    its a problem of magnitude....

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