
Can any body know about ashram of swami vishuddhanand or gandha baba?

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  1. Dear Ms Chayanika Dasgupta,

    How can we connect with Acharya Basu Debendranath? We understand that he is now in Kolkata. Do you have the contact address?

    Thank you




  2.  address of Kaligat 0r Bhawanipore Ashram or road map that how i can reach there?

  3.  My father Mr. Supriya Gupta retired Chief Commissoner disability  is the desciple of Paramhansa Basu Debendranath who was desciple of Paramhansa Satyananda and swami Satyananda was the desciple of Sri Si visudhananda Paramhansa. I along with my father visited the house of Yatish Kundu Lane, Bhawanipore, where Yogirajadhiraj stayed over there for some times. I also visited Kashi's Ashram.

    I have another question for everybody including Mr. Dibyendu pattanayak and Mr. Samar Nath: Do you know the address or whereabouts of sons or grandsons of Mr. Akshaya Dutta Gupta? If you post it I will really appreciate that.


    chayanika dasgupta 








  4. It is in Maldahiya in Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh - India. I have seen it, but dont know the contact or exact address.

  5. Yogarajadhiraj Swami Vishuddhanand Paramahansa alias Bholanath or Padma Gandha Baba or Gandha Baba was a great Siddha Yogi in the last century. His Ashram is in Varanasi. His famous disciples who wrote about him were Dr. Gopichand Kaviraj, who has written many books on baba and Akshay Kumar DuttaGupta. He did his mastery of Surya Viggyan in the guidance of his guru Swami Shayamananda Paramahansa and Swami Bhriguramparamahansa by which he could able to create anything, I mean anything with the help of the sunrays but by using specific lenses which he used to procure from his Guru's Ashram named Gyanganj, where no one can enter whout the knowledge of Surya Vigyan, He was introduced in Gyanganj by Swami Nimananda Paramahansa, he was given diksha by a Swami whose name nobody knows but he is called mahatapa, the guru of Mahatapa is Maa Khepa. You can find all his leelas from Dr. Kaviraj's and Akshay Kumar Dutta Gupta's writings. Also Paul Brunton in his book A Search in Secret India wrote that he not only witnessed Vishudhananda create perfumes, but also bring a dead bird back to life.
    Paul Bruntun who met many of India Yogis called gandhababa as Magician of India.
    His main ashram was in Varanasi, but he occasionally go to his ashramas in Kolkata (Calcutta old name), Puri also.
    Dipendu Pattanayak

  6. Swami Vishuddhanand Saraswati or Gandha Baba was a great Siddha Yogi in the last century.  His Ashram is in Varanasi.  One of his famous disciple was Dr. Gopichand Kaviraj, who has written many books on Shri Vishuddhanandaji.  He was the master of Surya Viggyan by which he could able to create anything, I mean anything with the help of the sunrays but by using specific lences which he used to procure from his Guru's Ashram named Gyanganj, which no one knows but said to be in himalayan ranges towards Tibet.  You can find all his leelas from Dr. Kaviraj's writings.  For which you can gather references from google giving searches for Gopichand Kaviraj or Vishuddhanand Saraswati.
    I have all the information about Yogiji Vishuddhananda in Marathi.
    Dr. Samar Nath

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