
Can any body tell me a mermaid spell

by  |  earlier

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can anybody tell me a mermaid spell? i'v tried heaps but its a month till i grow my tail. and also, i'm not cutting off my legs and replaceing them with a jelly fish!!! :(




  1. moonlight moonlight you make me want to scream moonlight moonlight you make me want to beam you wake up at night you go away at dawn moonlight moonlight please grant this wish to me I wish to be a mermaid with the power of ( your power) and the tail colour of ( your fave colour).   Hope this works for evrybody that trys it!!!!!!!!!!

  2. by the way tell me your results bye!!!!

  3. theres one sullotion to your problem make up your own spell and believe in it with all your heart

  4. the netttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

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