
Can any body tell me why most marriages in the US end's w/divorce?

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Can any body tell me why most marriages in the US end's w/divorce?




  1. Women love shoes, spending money, and not cooking. Its like a ball and chain. Listen to tom leykis, google him. He's better at explaining this.

  2. Because Murder is messy and illegal!  LOL

  3. because some people don't want to work for their marriage. They hit a rough patch and want out as soon as something happens. Nobody wants to put effort into keeping their marriage anymore.  

  4. This isn't a simple question to answer...People get married for different reason and divorced for many reasons to.   In our society it is excepted that if two people do not want to live as man and wife they divorce, there are no repercussions.  In some cultures it is unacceptable to separate.  

    I will give you an example using myself...My ex husband and i were best friends for many years and friends we should have stayed and never married.  He suffered from severe mood swings and rages that would send a normal human running, this was the main problem there were others.  This relationship was unhealthy for both of us and parting was the best thing for both parties.  One should not have to stay with someone who makes their life a living heck.  

    Marriage is something that should bring two people together and im not saying as one, but two souls that share that same goals and aspirations in life...If these two are NOT going in the same direction they should find someone else.  A fork in the road does not meet and if one goes left and the other goes rights there is no happy middle and they are doomed to failure.

    So everyone will have their own reason why they think the divorce rate is so high...Me i hope people really think before they get married, really get to know each other, know that there could be as many sad days as there are happy, to stay on the same path, to communicate their wants and desires, to compromise and know that no one person can always be right and to always be there for each other.

  5. basically human beings are selfish.also the lack of knowledge on how god made man and how he made women.beyond the obovios that there is physical differences. men and women are wired differently. visit the website and google dr gary chapman.  

  6. hate to break it to you but the divorce rate in all countries EXCEPT Muslim religion based countries where there are arranged marriages and no one is free to wed or divorce or free to pick who they love; is 50 percent.....the US doesn't have a corner on this market

  7. I think the biggest single reason is intolerance. Everybody screws up and you must allow for this. No matter how bad your S O is,you have done something just as bad,as far as he/she is concerned. The women's lib and anti-libbers all think it's a competition. Maybe the old rule of give 90% take 10% would help. But wait, that's not socially acceptable any more. Divorce is, however.  

  8. People aren't taking it as seriously as they use to back in the old days. My first thought after I got married was "Oh wow, she's gonna make a good first ex-wife..." Somehow I knew after the fact that we would end up divorced and I was right...She didn't think it was serious to go out and smoke crack and spend all our money and abandon our baby...This younger generation is being brought up a whole different way than I was...I was taught respect, manners, pride, commitment and honor and if that didnt straighten me out I GOT A$$WHIPPINGS!

  9. The family unit has seriously broken down and the morals are not what they used to be.  There is no longer the stigma (or as much of one) that used to be connected with divorce, cheating, and abandoning children, simply because people see others doing it.  It's really sad, shameful actually.  

    I feel for the kids, any of you must if you came from a broken home.

    Maybe we should switch to five year marriage contracts with the option to renew at the end???

  10. Because people don't take it seriously. If more people went to marriage counseling before getting married those numbers might be reduced.

  11. Because many people here in the US have lost the meaning of til death do us part. Why has this happened to America? Well, maybe because we have too much going on in our lives to remember what is the most important thing in our lives, our families. Maybe because we have so many people complaining about God & religion in public, which is just what this country is based on so we kind of become distant and forget about God & religion and then we forget what the bible says about marriage and I can go on an on an on why I believe marriage ends up in divorce so often in the US. Kinda sad huh?

    Mary in Camden, Michigan USA


    they just do not know and do not even realize there is such a thing as good RELATIONSHIP it!

  13. In my opinion a lot of people marry the wrong person. They enter the marriage saying "Well, if this doesn't work out I'll just get a divorce." People don't take marriage as seriously as they use too a long time ago. Hope this helps...

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