
Can any climate change deniers dispute this argument coherently?

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  1. Well the only denier to attempt to answer the question was Badger, and he did so by ignoring the worst case scenario.

    I guess Badger doesn't have car, life, or home insurance, either.

    You can't disregard the worst case scenario just because you personally don't think it will happen, especially when the scientific experts are saying it's a distinct possibility - even a likelihood (near-certainty) if we don't take action to avoid it.

    Badger answers your question perfectly - the way deniers dispute this argument is of course by denying that the worst case scenario is possible (after all, that's why we call them 'deniers').  Of course, they can provide no evidence to support dismissing the scenario except to say "naaaah, that' can't be right".

  2. There are still people that think the Earth is flat.  The same lack of intelligence is rampant among the 'deniers'! I thought that vid explained the problem quite well.  But if you 'believe' that there is a 'big daddy in the sky',then you have a bit of difficulty understanding how natural science works! It seems that the 'deniers' of Evolution have found a new stomping grounds on the Global Warming issue. No hope to educate those folks! I can just imagine them screaming that it's just God's hand that caused all the weather disasters,when their house disappears in a freak storm!

  3. How about the fact that global warming/climate change, whatever you want to call it.    Is still just a THEORY.

    I don't disagee that NASA has pretty good factual data regarding the temperatures from the past 100 years.  Would you also agree that 1934 was just as warm as 2005?

    What if, just what if, after the last ice age, we are going back to that top end of the natual cycle of alternating warm/ice age/warm/ice age, etc...  but that's a theory too...

    When someone comes out and villanizes someone that doesn't agree with them that doesn't lend a lot of creedence to their argument.    It's the whole 'Follow me or you die' kind of lemming argument.

    Was that coherent?

  4. Very few people despute "climate change." That would be silly since the climate changes all the time.  What I (and a lot of other people, too) dispute is that humans cause climate change.  It's so ludicrous on the face of it that I'm always astounded that there is even one person who believes it.   The climate has been alternatively heating and cooling for thousands of years without our help and will continue to do so, regardless of what puny efforts we make to change it one way or the other.  I mean think about it.  The most expensive computers on the planet can't accurately forecast the weather more than a few days in advance but we are expected to believe the "climate models" can accurately forecast the climate of the entire planet fifty or a hundred years from now!!

  5. How caused the last ice age?

  6. If you bring it to just four possibilities you can prove anything. Here like this his same chart (remember he said he would take the extreme examples

    Global warming false, we spend $$$ on a problem and it isn’t real.

    So we spend $$$ which would lead to world wide political upheaval, world wide famine, world wide economical collapse, world wide depression, world wide war, world wide genocide, massive death world wide, etc.

    Global warming is true and we spend $$$ on the problem

    OK we have the climate under control for a short time then because we spent $$$$ on the problem we still world wide political upheaval, world wide famine, world wide economical collapse, world wide depression, world wide war, world wide genocide, massive death world wide, etc.

    Global warming is false and we spent nothing.

    We now have money to deal with famine, health care, genocide, and helping third world economies, and help prevent war, etc

    Global warming is real and we spent nothing

    We have money to deal with the problems, we will encounter and we adept. We help the counties as they become affected by rising water, or drought, we move some people, in another words deal with the problems as they come up.

    See it’s easy if you premise the question and limit the answers you can “prove” anything.

  7. Well that's a completely different discussion to whether or not anthroporgenic global warming is likley

    We should probably do something about global warming if it is only a little bit likely, but the response should be in proportion to the threat.

  8. Let’s see, If I remember this right, I’ve seen it a few times. He draws the four squares. and says for the first we take action and AGW is not true then we wasted a lot of money and economic ruin.  He fishes you in with that right! It's baiting you for the last square. You bite off on it, yeah that's right. OK, then when you get to the last square and take no action and we have global warming “but lets use the extreme because we used it on the first one”. Well gee ok, that's fair. Then in the last square is gloom doom Armageddon, four horsemen all that stuff. Yes it happened; he sucked you in like a car salesman explaining depreciation. So let’s say we add another row in the middle. But let’s say it’s the real world model, not bizzaro world at either extreme. We make the laws and change things and global warming doesn't happen. Well we lose a little money to taxes, have a few freedoms removed, but we have a cleaner world, no real harm done. Lastly how about another block for we take no action and global warming is true. But in our new box instead of revelations, we get what would really happen. The world heats up so slowly that hardly anyone notices the change. The sea levels rise at a gradual rate and people move slowly. The humans and animals all adjust and there is really no noticeable difference. That is what is really going to happen and why this is not a dramatic scare like so many would have you believe. I personally don’t like the taxes, the laws or being exaggerated to, but if you like that, it’s OK.

    OMG! You are right about everything Dana. How could I have been so blind.  Oh yeah, I have a car for sale if you are interested.  I can show you in 4 a square chart how you can't live without

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