
Can any english teachers/majors/tutors help me w/ my assignment please?

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My college english class just started and my teacher has given us our first assignment. He already told us that it is not for a grade but he would like us to do it so he can get a feel of his students. I want to make a good impression but I am a bit unclear as to how to go about this. At first he stated that it was an essay and then right as the class was leaving he said letters?

So how should I go about doing this essay/letter......please help? He gave us some open ended questions that I need to answer to start the essay/letter. Now that I've answered them what format should I put them in, essay or letter.

the questions.....more like survey:

Where do I come from

Educational background

previous experience in school (grades)

how good are you at writing essays?

how good are you at reading "hard" material (critical thinking)

college plans

success in english class

my teaching preference (visual, auditory, etc)

preferred books outside of class (magazine, book genre)

what do I hope this course will include.




  1. Sounds like the teacher is stuck as to where to begin teaching the group. This is a favour to him, all you students completing this work.

    I would just answer each question and number them down the page. ie.

    Q1 - Where do I come from?

    A1 - This is an english class, not "The facts of Life 101".

    I understand what you're asking, but I don't believe you need to know this unless you are looking to pigeon-hole or discriminate favourably or unfavourably against the students in your class.

    Q2 - Educational Background?

    A2 - See A1

    Q3 - Previous grades achieved?

    A2 - See A1

    Q4 - How good are you at essays?

    A4 - Set me an essay assignment and see for yourself. Does everyone deserve a fresh start this year?

    And so on.... Do you get the idea.

    Also, I would make a copy for the principal of the school. I'm sure you would have their support. A teacher should have no prejudice.

  2. You can do it as both an essay and a letter:

    Dear Mr. __________,

    I wanted you to know more about me as a student, so I thought I'd write you a letter. I'm going to explain to you my educational background, my English preferences, and other things that may help you to be a better professor to me and my peers.

    (Then you can go on with each individual topic he wants you to include.)

    If you really don't want to do it that way, then chances are he left you an email addy on the syllabus - email him and ask him for clarification of the assignment.

  3. i'm just a freshman in high school. but i think it would be super cute if you exaggerated a ton for each question... make it funny but based on facts. that will help him 'get a feel for his students' better than the whole truth. lol. like make it a fairy tale or something like that.

    i've heard of people who strayed from the assignment and have gotten great grades. my cousin had to write an essay where the question was 'God?' all she wrote on her paper was 'God!' while other people spent hours on their essays.

    the professor loved it.

    be bold. it will impress him.

  4. Well, it doesn't really sound like a letter to me... idk. Ask your mom or dad. WAIT! You are in college. nvm. Can't you just like call him or something? You should've asked him. Ask your friend. idk!  

  5. This is easy. You answer the question in descriptive form. Such as:

    My name is Ruler and I'm from New York City, home of Times Square and Radio City Music Hall. I attended Thomas Gail Elementary School on 5th Street, Edgar Rockland Middle School on Paris Avenue and Phyllis P. Mayer High School on Jefferson Avenue. My favorite subjects were Art and Science. I like art because one of my hobbies is painting. I love science, though, because it's so involved and you feel like you're getting real answers as to why things work the way they do. I have not done to well in Math because I find algebraic expression difficult to grasp. English is a good subject for me as I enjoy writing poems and songs, essays can be a bit tricky for me but I'm a good reader and I pay attention to details.

      I hope to be accepted to New York University of the Arts where I will major in pastel painting. My favorite artists are Van Gogh and Monet.

      When it comes to learning I learn better by watching, I'm a visual learner, of course, I like listening also but learning hands-on is better for me as I can really get the idea of what has to be done.

      When I'm not in school or doing homework I find myself reading much online or in books about the history of American science. I am particularly fascinated by meteorites. I hope this course covers at least one topic discussing scientific issues or the history of art.

    This is a tiny little sample. There is little difference between letters and essays. It is an introduction so make it like a PenPal letter. You'll know where to start your new paragraphs etc.

    You are in college now, so take this as a guide. Add much too it. College Professors like things long! They like detail and description. But don't ramble, you don't want to bore them either, but keep it interesting. Usually for an essay they ask for a certain amount of words or paragraphs, if he didn't don't worry he may just be checking out your style so he can work with you on your areas of weakness. That's what college is all about - learning how to do things correctly. Professors are not teachers, they are more like mentors, they want to help you do things better but they don't get a full year to teach it to you which is why it seems so hard, it all has to be crammed into four months.

    One more thing: DO NOT take the advice given in the second answer.

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