My college english class just started and my teacher has given us our first assignment. He already told us that it is not for a grade but he would like us to do it so he can get a feel of his students. I want to make a good impression but I am a bit unclear as to how to go about this. At first he stated that it was an essay and then right as the class was leaving he said letters?
So how should I go about doing this essay/letter......please help? He gave us some open ended questions that I need to answer to start the essay/letter. Now that I've answered them what format should I put them in, essay or letter.
the questions.....more like survey:
Where do I come from
Educational background
previous experience in school (grades)
how good are you at writing essays?
how good are you at reading "hard" material (critical thinking)
college plans
success in english class
my teaching preference (visual, auditory, etc)
preferred books outside of class (magazine, book genre)
what do I hope this course will include.