
Can any explain the process of evolution?

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Single-Cell Polarity to Complex Multicellular. How Does an single simple celled organism develope to a fish like animal.Why would it evolve if it not the prey nor predator. Also, why change if it in a stable environment.




  1. Evolution is bull but I'll tell anyway. I learned this in school but still... I don't entirely believe it.

    Natural selection killed off the ones too weak to adapt to the surroundings. And those that survived began mating with each other, thus passing on any genetic mutation that caused it to survive the harsh environment. Over time, the cells began multiplying by Natural Selection and that's the basic theory of Evolution. Sometimes mutated genetic material is carried on to the offspring. Have you heard about a fly with little legs on its head? That's an example of genetic mutation. The stable environment has nothing to do with why an organism changes, it's in the genes of the parents.

  2. "In the beggining we were all fish, okay? Swimming around in the water. And then one day a couple of fish had a r****d baby, and the r****d baby was different so it got to live. So r****d fish goes on to make more r****d babies. And then one day a r****d baby fish crawled out of the ocean with it's mutant fish hands, and it had buttsex with a squirrel or something and made this r****d frog squirrel, and then that had a r****d baby wich was a monkey fish frog, and then this monkey fish frog had s*x with that monkey and that monkey had mutant r****d baby and screwed another monkey and that made you."

  3. Actually, we can explain evolution processes to a point.  This is where Darwin and the Gallapegos come into play.

    You see, you need to look at what is known as micro evolution to understand it on any scale. Part of this is because it is more evident to us.  It is based on observations that are seen as fact, as opposed to the theory of Macro Evolution.  Finally, it happens over a shorter period of time.

    Evolution is a constant process.  Our bodies are always adjusting to the surrounding environment.  If a group of people stay in one place long enough, more adjustments can be made.  Here are some examples.

    If you look at the demographics of people before there was a lot of movement and mixing, you will find very specific traits for each region on Earth.  These people spent generations in roughly the same environment.  

    People who lived in northern Europe do not have as much sun to contend with.  Some of this was due to weather patterns like fog and rain.  Some of this just has to do with living further away from the equator.  These people have have a lot of blue eyes, whereas those at the equator have very brown eyes.  We now know that the amount of pigment in our irises also controls the amount of sunlight that is allowed into the eye (its not the only on, of course).  Those with blue eyes are usually more sensitive to the sunlight, they can see in foggy and rainy conditions much better, and even have an easier time adjusting to the dark.  People with blue eyes today are being asked to wear sunglasses, because too much sun will cause cataracs in blue eyed individuals.

    The opposite is the case for those with brown eyes.  They have quite a bit more pigment in their eyes.  This filters out the sunlight, but makes it harder to see in adverse conditions.  

    Skin color works much in the same way.  Those in northern regions need more Vitamin E from the sun and therefore have less pigment in their skin to block it out.

    Over time, some smaller groups (like the Australian Aborigines) have developed thicker enamel on their teeth.  In the case in Australia, they flintknapped (made stone tools) with their back teeth.  These teeth over generations developed a much thicker and tougher enamel.

    I could go on to describe most distinguishing features between humans in this way.  Through archeological records I can find that they didn't always appear as they do today...especially if it was a group that traveled to that specific area.

    This can also be seen in the animal kingdom.  It is very obvious on the Gallapegos Islands where animals became stranded and needed to adapt to a new environment.  Also, the Earth is always changing.  It wasn't always such a cool planet.  At one time it was molten magma/lava.  That was until it began to cool and form a crust.  The crust broke by the force of magma flows below the surface (like currents) and moves in a variety of directions.  This, coupled with cycles of heating and cooling, have changed the environment of Earth continuously.

    It would have only taken a small change in the environment to make an organism (even a single-celled one) change to adapt to its changing environment.  We don't know exactly caused the change.  We can speculate based on geologic evidence.  But still, what we can see happened very quickly to our eyes actually took millions of years.  

    For the teeth of the Aborigines, that occurred sometime in the last 14,000 years.  This is only a relatively small amount of time geologically speaking.  So, I think the two keys that you need to keep in mind is time and our ever changing Earth.  With those two factors anything can happen.

    I hope this helps..I wrote it rather late.

  4. How does one explain the unexplainable?  Evolution is Satanic nonsense meant to make men believe there is no God.

  5. No one can explain it.  It's like environmentalism and Marxism - it is assumed to be true, and then everything that happens is claimed to be "evidence" for the assumption.

    It's very circular. Basically, "It's true because it's true."

    Love Jack

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