
Can any girls help me out here?

by  |  earlier

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hey, i know most of you think this is really stupid, but i just wanna know. ive had alot of girlfriends, but every girl ive ever dated except for one has either left me for some other dude, or cheated on me, and it just makes me think that that im not good enough, u no? so i kinda just wanted to know what yall thought of me. am i really that ugly?

and maybe rate me from 1 to 10?

be honest, i dont care if yall give me a 1 i just wanna know. thanks




  1. You are like HOT!! You probably are picking the wrong girls to date. Instead of trying to find yourself a girlfriend don't look for one because the girls you picked for your girlfriends are nothing but a waste. Look for a friend instead. you'll end up falling in love with her and vise Visa.  

  2. Then the girls you dated are stupid, I'm usually not into to guys like you (to be honest) but you look really good.


  3. Ya, get a 9 - but looks are not the whole picture.  You may just be in the wrong field picking the wrong flowers.  Sometimes nice means that you don't see the writing on the wall and suddenly the wall smacks you in the face. "Hey, where'd that come from?"  It seems way out in left field, but really it was there all along.  I know it sounds trite but there are many more fish in the ocean - someone will come along someday who will appreciate you for all of your qualities.  Until then don't change to try to fit them, keep being yourself. :)

  4. the links dont work unless you have a myspace.

  5. myspace link doesnt work;...

  6. honestly ur really cute. u look like the type of guys at my school and who im kind of into. i would say an 8..just pick better girls and have better judgement in them u know? a girl who is thankful and trustworthy kind of like me hahah :)

  7. "awww...ur eyes r gorgeous!!!"

    "very hott"

    "awww matt"

    "your so amazing"

    "ahhhh,im speachless"

    "i love your purse matt...

    its freaking hot you hahahaa"



    your so freaking cute....

    someones attractive"

    obviously, you can't be that bad.

  8. 6

    answer mine;...

  9. 9 =]

    answer my friends question? its about me lawl;...

  10. Hey i cant see the links but im sure that you are attractive. You know,  looks truly doesn't matter as much as personality.

    Good luck on finding "the one"!  

  11. maybe its ur personality. try asking ppl who know u wat they think about u. i doubt it has to do with looks... i havent seen ur pics of urself ....but im just saying... maybe u dont like how do i say this maybe ur not connective maybe notnfun to be around... umm confort the person whob ur  in a relationship try asking the person who u have broken up with r watever why they did it....

  12. omg your really hott. I would say a 9.5 Maybe you need to start dating some different types of girls. Some more loyal

    good luck!!!

  13. :D i dont know about ur girfriends but ud be the guy id leave my bf for!!!!!!!!!!!

    ............i think they have issues....cuz ur yummy!!!!!!!!! <3

  14. 7.5 ur okay. maybe you were acting like a jerk. I had to login to see your photos. I hope you're happy..... jkjk. Think about how you acted. If nothing was wrong, then they just weren't the right girl for you.

  15. cute.its probably your pushover attitude that girls take advantage of. 9.

  16. You should make a photo bucket account for sharing photos- or some people can't view them.

    And don't worry, you just haven't met the right girl yet, if you've had a lot of girlfriends then they wouldn't have dated you in the first place if they thought you were ugly.

    sorry i couldn't help sweetie =]

    good luck, n have a bitta confidence! but then again i'm hardly the most self assertive person...


  17. i can't see your pic =[

    but i'm sure it's not cause of the way you look.

    maybe she just gets bored easily with relationships,

    and wants thing's more interesting?

  18. well 1st off to me looks don't matter...i find a guy hot for how he treats me and respects my family...and how he wants to spend time with me...and make me feel special....someone that loves me for me u kno....which of course is hard to find...but honestly if i knew you i'd probably find you rather hot....but like i said it depends on how you treat me....

  19. Uhmmmmm, i say 6.

    Your just picking the wrong girls and liking them by their looks

    rather their personality.

  20. I don't know why you would feel it necessary to ask a bunch of strangers to rate you. I'd give you a 5.5, mostly because of you insecurity. Remember- girls like secure guys. And you may be somewhat attractive, but that's not all that matters.

  21. heck for get the ten i give u a 10thousand and one! u r hot i would date u but i am to young lol i checked out u profile i love the name matt! and ur a texas boi! add me as ur contanct so we can chat! :)

  22. you should put your pictures in photobucket becuase many of us cant see your pictures because we dont have myspace... ..

    .. so i cant rate ya sorry

  23. omg in the second one is that YOUR purse

    lol jp jp 101 baby all the way across the board 101 =]  

  24. like a 6 i guess.

    but its probably your personality more than anything. if you're a jerk- girls don't keep waiting.

  25. Girls aren't that shallow, the ones worth anything anyway, so how you look isn't important. What's your personality like? That's the important part. Oh, and dude, smile :)

  26. hey,

    your not really my type, but i'd give you a 7 or 8, gorgeous face, good dress sense, certainly not worth cheating on ;)


  27. Honestly, I'll give you maybe a 5 or 6. You're not ugly or hot. I think you're just trying to hard. Be yourself! And why do you care what we have to say? Just wondering...

  28. 8.5 c:

  29. You are every good looking and i think that you already know that... are you sure its you maybe you are just drawn to those types of girls... And dont be too nice I know that has drivin my away from tons of guys... and dont be NEEDIE... it unatractive... so ya your deffinentaly cute... time to just find a girl but dont go looking for one just wait to stumble across one

  30. no you arent.

    i'd give you 7.

    girls dont just dump you because they think your ugly.

    it probably has to do with your personality.

  31. i would rate you but i dont c any pics of you on the links??

    answer mine;...

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