
Can any give advice on having feelings for another and being engaged?

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I've been engaged for about a month startin into the second month and i'm getting married in october from what was planned but recently i've been noticing that i have feelings or so I think they are feelings for another a mutal friend of me and my fiance? Any advice and how you been there before?




  1. if you're the guy - why'd u ask ur girl to marry you?  you are so not ready for a commited relationship...

    if you're the girl - did u just like the fancy ring that's why u agreed to get married? cus clearly you don't really care about your partner's sincerity...

    oh i take that back... you are a female cus you said "fiance" not "fiancee" ...

  2. Just because you get married does not mean you are going to stop feeling attracted to other people and getting crushes.  You just need to be sure that you know you want to always stay with the person you are marrying and not pursue anybody else.  If you have any doubts about that, then don't get married.  But otherwise, I don't think it needs to be a reason to call off a wedding.  

  3. DO NOT GET MARRIED! If you feel like that you should not be getting married. Please don't ruin your relationship and hurt your girl like that. Figure it out before you walk.

  4. Please DON'T GET MARRIED!!!!!!!

  5. I would not get married.  

  6. If you are having feelings for someone else, then you are not ready to get married.  

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