
Can any horse medicines cause birth defects in humans?

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My last pregnancy I had a 25 year old horse with Cushings and founder. I tried for a year to get her healthy to no avail. She was eventually put down. I used Bute, Thrush buster, Pergolide, Epsom Salt, Iodine, fly spray and Chaste Tree berry for her. My daughter was born with severe brain problems. They have no idea why. Could any of these meds have caused it?




  1. I'm very sorry about your daughter.

    What brain problems exactly.. were these congenital?  There are syndromes that just happen, without any reasoning, other than congenital.

    As far as if it was the horse meds, you will wrack yourself insane if you keep trying to find out if you did something to cause this.  I highly doubt that it caused that, but I work with inutero syndromes, diseases, anomalies etc.

    If you want to email me, thats fine and maybe I can help you more.  But please dont think you did anything to cause this, it just happens, I have seen it in my job over and over and over.

  2. You can probably Google each one and find out what the contraindications are.  If not, get a list of the chemistry of each from the companies that make them and take it to your pharmacist...they are usually more than happy to help you.

    The likelihood that the minimal exposure you would have had to any of these substances would be causative is slim.  However, certain parasites, bacteria or other microbes you were exposed to could be related....have you discussed any of this with your pediatric neurologist? I think it's jumping the gun to look for these kinds of causes unless you are being asked about it by the attending physicians.

  3. ask a vet bec. all medicines are diff. u know

  4. The thrush buster could have had something to do with it, I think it's carcinogenic as well. Look at the ingredients on all the bottles and boxes and look the chemicals up online.

    Honestly, anything could have caused your daughter's birth defects, and I see no point in worrying about things you should or shouldn't have done.

  5. Meds should be labeled for proper handling. It will say with warnings. If the label is rubbed off then ask a vet.

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