I would like to get as many different persepectives and I can for my research paper. Thanks for your help!
Q1.How important is each of the following for successful teaching at your grade level: knowledge of content, pedagogical content knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge, and knowledge of learners and learning? How do you use educational research to improve your teaching?
Q2.How much does the ability of your students vary? What strategies do you use to deal with ability differences?
Do you use "ability grouping" in your school?
Q3.How do you capture attention at the beginning of class? How do you personalize lessons and encourage involvement? How do you provide feedback?
Q4.How do you create order in the classroom? How do you ensure that students understand tasks, are challenged and successful?
Q5.How do you convey enthusiasm about the topic, caring and positive expectations?
Q6.Do you provide opportunities for students to rehearse information? How?