
Can any of you Honestly say that you are Not/Never influenced by the media and print news?

by  |  earlier

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not in any subtle way, in every topic it covers: politics, medicine, finances, wars, sports, movies, etc....




  1. h**l-no. society is only what the media makes it to be.

  2. no, that would be impossible

  3. I admit I am influenced by the media etc. I am more so for selfish reasons like how I look. I would love to look perfect and have that perfect body, but I know I can never be what I see in the media since they are not me.

  4. of course we are influenced by it, that's why its important to know who your news source is. a lot of them are biased. i trust individual news sources more than the major ones. the major ones are controlled by the government and they have a way of leaving out the important details that i want to know.

  5. it's im possible, we are ALL influenced, just some of us are more extreme about it. instead of being like "hey, i enjoyed that hair style i think i might do something similiar..." they do "they looked cool smoking so i'm going to start now" we are all influenced. subtle at times thogh. if they say they aren't, they're lying. when you quote a book, a movie, a person, it happens. basically, yes, we are all original....originally copying something else. but, you see, we all have so many levels of picking up little tricks/habits/etc, that we are unique. like...we're all assembled similiar, but there are so many levels of different things that we are different. am i making sense?

  6. I can honestly say that i'm not influenced by the media because anytime you see tv or listen to the radio,or pick up a magazine,it's ALL PROPAGANDA! I dont believe a bit of it!

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