
Can any of you broads tell me why I'm labeled as being insensitive toward women?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know what it is. Please help me.




  1. classy very classy.  

  2. Right there is one problem. Broads?? Give me a break!

  3. First-we are not broads.

  4. IF US BROADS KNEW YOU BETTER, THEN US BROADS COULD ANSWER YOUR QUESTION BETTER!!!!!!   If theres alot of BROADS telling you that though, there HAS to be a reason. Think about it.

  5. You're a troll if I've ever saw one. Grow up, will you? Find something else to do.

  6. LMAO Sweetie. I bet you're not insensitive at all. Just plagued by a wife who understands you!

    Very funny. You know you're going to get into so much sh***t with the kind of feminists who have no sense of humour and don't recognise irony.

    But very amusing all the same

  7. Your sentence for starters. Women do not like being referred to as "broads."

  8. Very funny.  Well done.

  9. thanks for the free Two Points LMAO

  10. This broad ain't got a clue......

  11. You may be a proud daddy but I know your kids aren't proud to have you as their dad.  Come up with a more believeable question.

  12. An obvious clue might be the fact that you call them broads. What do you think?

  13. yea the term "broad" is a big no no...

    you need to take a womans feelings into consideration and address us properly..

  14. no i cannot tell you why you are labeled as such.

  15. Lol.... this is hilarious..... broads..... insensitve..... lol

    .... oh wait, its NOT a joke?

  16. Not a "broad", but I bet it's your lack of humility.

    Humble yourself before life does it for you.

  17. Maybe you should ask the Broad that gave birth to you. I'm sure she knows you berry well.

  18. Well I am not a female, but they probably feel your insensitive by the way you present yourself and your choice of words. Maybe you should attend charm school, I have heard that they can do wonders.

  19. First of all Women do not like to be called broads that makes it sound like you have no care in the world about what women really want.  Broad is a nasty word for women its almost as bad as s***k.

    when talking about women use the word woman or lady.

  20. Well, stop calling women "broads" for one.  

  21. well if you go around calling them "broads" all the time, I can see why they say that.  How would you feel if someone called you a name outside of your name.  Do you know what the word "Broad" means?  What if I walked up to you and called you "trick" all the time, what the men who buys whores are called...would you like it?  Probably not.  Your approach with women probably sucks...check yourself.

  22. The fact that you are a no class troll living under a bridge.

  23. who gives a S**t what they think

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