
Can any one analyse my dream i had last night? : i was in prision?

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Well i was in a prision and there was a swimming pool there. I was hancuffed the whole time even on my bed.

can anyone tell me what this means?




  1. Well, the way I interpret my dreams is like this...

    1. The location means your life situation, which could be job, home, relationship or all of the above. Prison is an institution where you have no freedom, no control, where you are at the mercy of others. Although, it's not necessarily dangerous (or even unbearable.)

    2. What you're wearing symbolises how you see yourself (eg naked = vulnerable or exposed). Handcuffs = literally, your hands are tied. You feel you can't do anything to affect your situation.

    3. An unusual alternative means something you dream about, or fear, or wish for, or an opportunity – something quite different to the situation you are currently in. The pool – well, depends: was it beautiful and inviting or deep and frightening?

    Without knowing anything about your waking life, one could suggest that you are in a relationship or job where you feel imprisoned, but feel you can't leave because you are tied by responsibilities. An alternative (freedom? a different relationship? new job?) is shimmering off to one side, but you haven't plunged in...

  2. To dream that you are in prison, signifies that you are being censored and not allowed to express yourself.  

    To dream that someone else is in prison, signifies an aspect of yourself that you are unable to express freely.

    To dream that you or someone is released from prison, denotes that you need to make major changes to your waking life. Eventually, you will overcome your misfortune.

    To see a pool of water in your dream, indicates that you need to understand and deal with your emotions. You need to dive right in. Alternatively, a pool may indicate your need for cleansing. You need to wash away the past

    To dream that you are in handcuffs, suggests that something or someone is holding back your success. Opportunities are shut off to you. You are experiencing a loss of power and effectiveness. Alternatively, your own fears and doubts may be holding you back.

    To see others in handcuffs or to put handcuffs on others, indicates that you are being overly possessive.

    hope i helped <3

  3. Its not widely excepted that dreams have meanings. But if your really dying for an explanation it could have something to do with you feeling restricted at the moment. The pool could symbolize freedom, but you dont have complete freedom even when the opportunity is presented to you (the pool) as your tied down.

  4. prison reperesents feeling trapped

    water represents the mysteries of life

    the bed might represent your home

    perhaps you feel there's more to life than your repetitive home life, but you feel trapped by it?

  5. you're probably gonna end up in the can soon!? i dont think you should really pay attention to dreams though. maybe its just because of too much TV

  6. Sounds as though something is holding you back from living your real life. The swimming pool can symbolise the pool of unfinished business that you need to deal with in order to recover your true self. Or at least to remove the blocks to self-realisation.  Handcuffed "even on my bed" might mean that even in sleep you are held back, or that in your s*x life you are holding back in some way.

    Really, you are the only one who can truly know what the dream meant. What were the feelings about  the various parts of the dream? The swimming pool, the prison, the handcuffing etc. You can work through these feelings by re-enacting the dream (as much as you can remember) and feel the feelings you have about each part. If any anger comes up you can release it by whacking a mattress with a tennis racket or some such thing and shouting out your anger at the person or thing that angers you. (But I wouldn't do it when other people are in the house because it might upset them and cause them to be critical of you, people can be very hurtful when they don't understand what you're doing!

  7. You had s*x with a mermaid.


  8. To dream that you are in prison, signifies that you are being censored and not allowed to express yourself.  

    To dream that you are a convict, suggests that some situation or relationship is making you feel restricted. You may be experiencing a loss of freedom in some area of your life.  Alternatively, the dream may represent your feelings of shame and guilt. This dream image is trying to tell you to stop punishing yourself.

    To dream that you are in handcuffs, suggests that something or someone is holding back your success. Opportunities are shut off to you. You are experiencing a loss of power and effectiveness. Alternatively, your own fears and doubts may be holding you back.

    To dream that you are swimming, suggests that you are exploring aspects of your unconscious mind and emotions. The dream may be a sign that you are seeking some sort of emotional support. It is a common dream image for people going through therapy.

    To dream that you are swimming underwater, suggests that you are completely submerged in your own feelings. You are forcing yourself to deal with your emotional difficulties.

    To see your bed in your dream, represents you intimate self and discovery of your sexuality. If you are sleeping in your own bed, then it denotes security and restoration of your mind. You are looking for domestic bliss and peace. If you are waking up in different and/or unknown beds, then it represents the consequences of the decisions you have made.  

    Hope this helps.

  9. I'll try.  Did you just get "hitched."   Do you feel "walled in."   Are you in a safe place.

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