
Can any one can give me a caption against global warming?

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It used not be of more than 12 words.........




  1. In our life remote there are no Rewind and Fastforward buttons. But Pause is there.

  2. "Inconvenient Fraud" - Al Gore's electricity,more than 20 times the national average.

  3. Global warming is nothing more than trojan horse to get the people who are brainwashed by the Government Screwls to accept a One World Socialist Government and give up their prosperity in an aim to meet a ever changing goal set by enviro-marxists.

    The Sun and sun spots has more effect on climate than carbon dioxide does.

  4. Remember the Ethanol Scam??

  5. The Inevitable.

    The Catastrophy.

    Natures Vengence

    The Punishment.


    Repaid Debts.

    Well many other connections can be had. The choice is yours.

  6. It's not the end of the world, it's just the end of you.


    Greens!  The Earth wasn't born yesterday - but they were.

  7. Global warming=global warning


  9. its tooooo boring !!

  10. Earth, earth, place of our birth, don't let the solar rays burn up our turf.

  11. Stay Cool, Conserve Fuel

  12. I don't believe in GW and neither does Gore.  

  13. Please Save Earth..... Because its the only planet with girls

  14. The beijing olympics,what have we learned regarding the pollution levels ?  

  15. Global Warming is the new Y2K

    A myth

  16. Hey, hey, ho, ho,

    I'd give up my signed copy of Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik,

    if Mother Earth had more SNOW!

    Oh c**p!  That is more than 12.  Doh!

    I think it is time for a Black Sabbath song.........

    What you get and what you see

    Things that don't come easily

    Feeling happy in my vein

    Icicles within my brain

    (global cooling)

    Something blowing in my head

    Winter's ice, it soon will spread

    Death would freeze my very soul

    Makes me happy, makes me cold

    My eyes are blind but I can see

    The snowflakes glisten on the tree

    The sun no longer sets me free

    I feel there's no place freezing me

    Let the winter sun shine on

    Let me feel the frost of dawn

    Fill my dreams with flakes of snow

    Soon I'll feel the chilling glow

    Don't you think I know what I'm doing

    Don't tell me that it's doing me wrong

    You're the one who's really a loser

    This is where I feel I belong

    Crystal world with winter flowers

    Turns my day to frozen hours

    Lying snowblind in the sun

    Will my ice age ever come?

  17. The Earth's Climate Has Been Changing For 4.6 Billion Years, Get Over It!

  18. Earth, earth, place of our birth, don't let the solar rays burn up our turf."

  19. Don't believe the hype.

    EDIT - Actually you know what, if this gets voted on, don't vote for Public Enemy, vote for Snowblind, above.     I'm glad Sabbath got some airplay when the movie Iron Man came out, but you don't hear enough of them anymore.

  20. Global Warming... Who wants England to have Hawaii's Climate?

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