
Can any one explain the mathematics involved in horse racing betting odds?

by  |  11 years ago

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Horse racing betting odds, are full of mathematical terms. It becomes a painful task to calculate horse racing betting odds. Can you explain me the mathematics involved in horse racing betting odds?




  1. Let me first clarify the difference between probability and odds, just
    to be sure we're using the same terminology. The probability of an
    event is:

                 (Chances for)
         P(x) = ---------------
                (Total chances)

    So, for example, the probability of drawing an ace in a single deck of
    52 cards is 4/52 = 1/13 (or about 0.077 = 7.7%).

    Odds, on the other hand, are given as:

         (Chances for) : (Chances against)

    Of course, (Total chances) = (Chances for) + (Chances against), so
    we can determine (Chances against) as (Total chances) - (Chances for).
    The odds of drawing an ace in a deck of cards are
    4:(52-4) = 4:48 = 1:12.

    On to your question.

    When the odds are converted to probabilities, they usually add up to
    more than 1 to give the house the "edge" - that's how the track makes
    its money.

    Let's take a simple example. Suppose we have a series of 12 races with
    4 horses, given the following betting odds (for simplicity, we'll only
    consider the odds of winning each race):

         Horse     Odds   Probability (from odds)
         -----     ----   -----------------------
         Horse A   1:1    1/(1+1) = 1/2 =  6/12
         Horse B   2:1    1/(1+2) = 1/3 =  4/12
         Horse C   3:1    1/(1+3) = 1/4 =  3/12
         Horse D   5:1    1/(1+5) = 1/6 =  2/12
                      Total Probability = 15/12 > 1

    Now suppose I were to bet $1 on each horse for each race. In order
    for me to break even on each horse, horse A would have to win 6 of the
    12 races - then I'd win +$6 on the races A won and lose -$6 on the
    races A lost. Similarly, horse B would have to win 4 of the 12 races
    for me to break even -- I'd win 2 * $4 = +$8 (because of the 2:1 odds)
    on the wins but lose -$8 on the losses. Horse C would have to win 3 of
    the 12 races (3*$3 = +$9 on the wins, -$9 on the losses), and horse D
    would have to win 2 of the 12 races (2*$5 = +$10 on the wins, -$10 on
    the losses). Of course, this means that all together, they have to
    have 15 wins in 12 races, so somewhere they're going to fall 3 short
    of my "break even" requirement.

    If, for example, horse A only wins 5 races and horse C only wins 2
    races, then I've lost -$2 on horse A (+$5, -$7) and -$6 on horse C
    (2*$2 = +$4, -$10). The house has just collected $8 from my pocket.

    As long as no horse wins more often than its "probability" (based on
    odds), the house wins. Of course, it is possible that horses D and B
    will win 4 races each, horse B will win 3 races, and horse A will only  
    win 1 race. In this case, I will lose -$10 (+$1, -$11) on horse A,
    break even on horses B and C, and win +$12 (4*$5 = +$20, -$8) on horse
    D for a net winning of $2 - But you can "bet" that that won't happen
    too often.  ;-)

    I hope this helps. If you have any more questions, write back.

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